Living Hope Church: 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

1. Ideas for When to Pray

  • Morning: Start your day praising God and fixing your eyes on Jesus.

  • Lunch Time: Pray for 5-10 people (family, friends, neighbors).

  • Evening: Give prayers of thanksgiving for all that God has done and who He is.

  • Tip: During the week, seek opportunities to share the gospel or pray for someone.

2. Fasting

Consider fasting during these 21 days.

  • The Biblical principle of fasting is to forgo something (primarily food) to focus more intensely on God.

  • Prioritize spending time in prayer and worship during your fast.

  • More about fasting on the back of the flyer.

3. Prayer Meetings & Worship Nights

We will gather on Tuesdays and Fridays:

  • Tuesdays (Prayer): January 7, 14, 21 at 6 PM

  • Fridays (Worship): January 10, 17, 24 at 6 PM

Childcare available for infants to 4 years old. Older kids are encouraged to join in prayer and worship.

Weekly Prayer Points

Week 1 (Monday-Friday): Pray for individuals & this local church:

  • Monday: Pursue God's presence, growing in love for Jesus.

  • Tuesday: Be empowered by the Holy Spirit.

  • Wednesday: Transformation by the Word.

  • Thursday: Be a people of Grace.

  • Friday: Love like Jesus.

Week 2 (Monday-Friday): Pray for believers and unbelievers:

  • Monday: Family and friends by name.

  • Tuesday: Households around your home.

  • Wednesday: Students, teachers, and the youth in our church.

  • Thursday: Coworkers and people in our town.

  • Friday: Community groups and marriages in our church.

Week 3 (Monday-Friday): Pray for the Gospel to spread:

  • Monday: Boldness in sharing the Gospel.

  • Tuesday: Confluence and New Frontier churches around the world.

  • Wednesday: Second Chance Ministries, Younglife, Open Arms, and Union Gospel Mission in our community.

  • Thursday: New church plants in our community.

  • Friday: Youth in our church and community. (Youth winter camp is in February.)

Special Events

Saturday, January 25: End our 21 days with a meal at 5:30 PM.

  • Join us for fellowship and a meal (soup, salad, bread, dessert).

  • Scan the QR code to share what dish you'll bring.

Sunday, January 26: A Big Day for the Church

  • 10 AM Sunday Gathering: Guests from Confluence family churches will join us.

  • Family meal provided after the service.

Living Hope Church
We live to spread the Good News and equip followers of Jesus to multiply the Kingdom of God.


Exciting News: Recognizing and Affirming Eldership in Our Church