Living Hope Church: 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
1. Ideas for When to Pray
Morning: Start your day praising God and fixing your eyes on Jesus.
Lunch Time: Pray for 5-10 people (family, friends, neighbors).
Evening: Give prayers of thanksgiving for all that God has done and who He is.
Tip: During the week, seek opportunities to share the gospel or pray for someone.
2. Fasting
Consider fasting during these 21 days.
The Biblical principle of fasting is to forgo something (primarily food) to focus more intensely on God.
Prioritize spending time in prayer and worship during your fast.
More about fasting on the back of the flyer.
3. Prayer Meetings & Worship Nights
We will gather on Tuesdays and Fridays:
Tuesdays (Prayer): January 7, 14, 21 at 6 PM
Fridays (Worship): January 10, 17, 24 at 6 PM
Childcare available for infants to 4 years old. Older kids are encouraged to join in prayer and worship.
Weekly Prayer Points
Week 1 (Monday-Friday): Pray for individuals & this local church:
Monday: Pursue God's presence, growing in love for Jesus.
Tuesday: Be empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Wednesday: Transformation by the Word.
Thursday: Be a people of Grace.
Friday: Love like Jesus.
Week 2 (Monday-Friday): Pray for believers and unbelievers:
Monday: Family and friends by name.
Tuesday: Households around your home.
Wednesday: Students, teachers, and the youth in our church.
Thursday: Coworkers and people in our town.
Friday: Community groups and marriages in our church.
Week 3 (Monday-Friday): Pray for the Gospel to spread:
Monday: Boldness in sharing the Gospel.
Tuesday: Confluence and New Frontier churches around the world.
Wednesday: Second Chance Ministries, Younglife, Open Arms, and Union Gospel Mission in our community.
Thursday: New church plants in our community.
Friday: Youth in our church and community. (Youth winter camp is in February.)
Special Events
Saturday, January 25: End our 21 days with a meal at 5:30 PM.
Join us for fellowship and a meal (soup, salad, bread, dessert).
Scan the QR code to share what dish you'll bring.
Sunday, January 26: A Big Day for the Church
10 AM Sunday Gathering: Guests from Confluence family churches will join us.
Family meal provided after the service.
Living Hope Church
We live to spread the Good News and equip followers of Jesus to multiply the Kingdom of God.